November 6, 2023

15 Technical SEO Tips to Boost Your Site Performance

Key Takeaways

Introduction to Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website's technical aspects and may involve considering both on-page and off-page factors to some extent.

Technical SEO is like the behind-the-scenes superhero of SEO. It handles everything except content and link building. Its main mission? To make search engines fall head over heels for your website. But here's the catch - search engine requirements are constantly changing and becoming trickier to crack. That's where technical SEO swoops in, always evolving and staying one step ahead to make sure your website gets the attention it deserves. So, buckle up and let technical SEO work its magic!

Unlock the limitless potential of your content and soar to the pinnacle of search engine results! Supercharge your technical SEO to cultivate the ultimate marketing haven for your links and content. Bid farewell to roadblocks and embrace a triumphant journey towards success!

1. Understand Technical SEO

When building a house, it's important to consider more than just the paint and furnishings. The foundation, wiring, and plumbing are also crucial. This is similar to technical SEO, which focuses on the behind-the-scenes aspects of your website. It helps search engines crawl and index your site effectively. But don't worry, we won't overwhelm you with technical details. Think of it as laying the groundwork for your site's success.

How often should I perform a technical SEO audit? You should aim to perform a technical SEO audit at least once every six months, or whenever you make significant changes to your website.

2. Optimize Your Site's Speed

People want things to happen fast nowadays. If your website is slow, visitors will leave. Speed is crucial for user experience and search engine rankings. To improve speed, compress images, use browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests. Every little bit of time counts!

Why does site speed affect my rankings?

  • Site speed affects user experience, as faster loading times lead to a better overall browsing experience.
  • Search engines prioritize websites that provide a positive user experience, so faster loading times can improve your rankings.
  • Slow-loading websites tend to have higher bounce rates, meaning users leave the site quickly without engaging with the content. This can negatively impact your rankings.
  • Mobile users, who make up a significant portion of internet users, are particularly sensitive to slow loading times. Optimizing site speed can improve your rankings for mobile searches.

3. Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

Reading a newspaper through a keyhole? That's exactly what it's like trying to navigate a non-mobile-friendly site on a smartphone! In this day and age, with over half of web traffic coming from mobile devices, your site needs to be as flexible as a gymnast, effortlessly adapting to all screen sizes. And guess what? Google is head over heels for mobile-friendly sites, and users can't get enough of them either!

4. Secure Your Site with HTTPS

Security is important for everyone, not just banks and secret agents. Google favors secure websites (HTTPS over HTTP) because it keeps visitors' data safe. HTTPS is like a strong lock on your front door, ensuring privacy. It's a trust signal that both users and search engines value.

How does HTTPS improve my site's SEO?

  • HTTPS improves your site's security, which can boost your credibility and trustworthiness with both users and search engines.
  • Google has confirmed that HTTPS is a ranking signal, meaning that sites with HTTPS may have a slight advantage in search engine rankings.
  • HTTPS can help prevent data breaches and unauthorized access to your site, which can negatively impact your SEO if your site is compromised.
  • HTTPS can also improve user experience by providing a secure connection, which can lead to higher engagement, longer site visits, and lower bounce rates, all of which are positive signals for SEO.

5. Optimize Your URL Structure

A clean, descriptive URL is like a signpost on the internet highway. It tells users and search engines what to expect on the page. Keep URLs short, sweet, and relevant. Include keywords but avoid overstuffing. It's a balancing act!

6. Leverage the Power of XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap is like a treasure map for search engines, guiding them to all the important pages on your site. It's a way to say, "Hey, Google! Check out these pages." It doesn't guarantee that all pages will be indexed, but it's a great way to ensure search engines know about your content.

Here are 5 recommended tools for generating your xml sitemap.

  1. Yoast SEO plugin
  2. Google XML Sitemaps plugin
  3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  4. SEMrush site audit tool
  5. online generator

7. Implement Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup is like giving search engines a pair of glasses, helping them see and understand your content clearly. It enhances your search listings with rich snippets, which can boost click-through rates. Imagine your search result with star ratings, images, or event information. That's the magic of structured data!

8. Optimize Robots.txt for Better Indexing

The robots.txt file is like a bouncer at the club, telling search engines which pages to crawl and which to leave alone. Use it wisely to prevent search engines from wasting time on irrelevant results in SERPs too! Make sure all titles include relevant keywords, while meta descriptions should provide enough information so users know whether clicking through is worth their time or not (hint: avoid clickbait!).

9. Keep an Eye on Your Site’s Health with Google Search Console

Google Search Console is like a doctor for your website. It helps you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search results. You wouldn't ignore your health, so don't ignore your site's health. Regular check-ups can prevent big issues down the line.

10. Audit Internal Links

Internal links are the pathways that connect your content and guide users through your site. They're like the hallways in a school, helping everyone get to where they need to go. A well-structured internal linking system can improve navigation, keep users engaged, and distribute page authority throughout your site.

11. Eliminate Duplicate Content

Imagine you're at a party, and two people are telling the same story. Confusing, right? That's how search engines feel about duplicate content. It can lead to ranking issues and dilute your link equity. Ensure that each piece of content on your site is unique and serves a purpose.

12. Enhance User Experience

UX is like a coffee shop's atmosphere. It draws people back. A user-friendly website with fast loading times and helpful information ensures visitor satisfaction and engagement. Happy users make search engines happy.

13. Optimize Image Sizes and Formats

The power of images cannot be underestimated when it comes to the success of your website. Just like the perfect seasoning in a dish, they have the ability to make or break its performance. Too little and your website will be bland and unappealing, too much and it will become overwhelming and slow. Take the time to compress and format your images correctly, ensuring that they enhance your site and captivate your audience without compromising its speed and functionality.

How do images affect my site's performance?

  • Images can significantly slow down the loading speed of a website, leading to a negative impact on performance.
  • Large image file sizes can consume more bandwidth, causing slower page loading times and potentially frustrating users.
  • Optimizing and compressing images can improve website performance by reducing file sizes and improving loading speeds.
  • Using the appropriate image format and dimensions can also contribute to better performance, as it ensures efficient rendering and compatibility across different devices and browsers.

14. Enhance User Experience

UX is like your favorite coffee spot, cozy and inviting. It's what keeps people coming back for more. A website that's easy to navigate, offers helpful answers, and loads quickly will leave visitors thrilled and hooked. And when users are thrilled, search engines are thrilled too!

15. Utilize CDN for Global Reach

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) functions as a network of highways that links cities, ensuring speedy delivery of your content to users worldwide. This reduces latency and enhances site speed, making a CDN indispensable for a global audience.

The Most Frequently Reported Technical SEO Issues

  1. 3XX Redirects (95.2%): When using redirects, it is important to be cautious of redirect loops or long chains, as they can have a negative impact on crawling and indexing.
  2. HTTP to HTTPS Redirects (88%): Many websites redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, which is a secure version of HTTP. However, it is important to be cautious of redirects going in the opposite direction, as this can pose security risks.
  3. Missing Alt Attributes (80.4%): Missing alt attributes are a concern for accessibility and may also result in legal issues. To resolve this, make sure your main content images have alt attributes.
  4. Meta Description Tag Missing or Empty (72.9%): Don't let your page's content go unnoticed! Boost your click-through rate by adding a meta description tag that tells search engines exactly what your page is all about. This is especially important for high-traffic pages that deserve the attention they get!
  5. Slow Pages (72.3%): Don't let slow-loading pages sabotage your success! Boost your rankings and keep users engaged by monitoring Core Web Vitals and Google PageSpeed Insights to supercharge your page load speed!
  6. Page and SERP Titles Do Not Match (68.5%): The Google Search Console provides a tool to check for any discrepancies between page titles and SERP titles. It is important to have accurate page titles that reflect your content in order to enhance search visibility and user click-through rates.
  7. Page Has Only One Dofollow Incoming Internal Link (66.2%): To improve the ranking potential of important pages, it may be beneficial to include additional internal links to them.


In conclusion, technical SEO might seem daunting, but it's simply about laying a solid foundation and building upon it. By following these 15 tips, you're not just improving your site's performance; you're enhancing the user experience and making it easier for search engines to understand and rank your content. And remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep learning, keep optimizing, and the results will follow.

Yocum Technology Group has experts in technical SEO waiting to help. Our comprehensive strategies and solutions are meticulously designed to optimize your website's usability and performance to maximize your SEO efforts, thereby ensuring that your business enjoys amplified visibility and engagement.

Let Yocum Technology Group guide you in optimizing your websites technical SOE to its maximum potential. Reach out today and set your business on a trajectory of sustained online success.

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